Induction: Movie poster Textual Analysis

Denotation: An image of a man on an adventure.
Connotation: The image gives away a clue that the movie will be about ‘Indiana Jones’ will go on something dangerous, which will cause trouble and possibly life and death risk. The prop he is holding gives this away, for example the whip also the face in the background. The movie is going to be old and ancient and mystery, the clue which shows this is the old patterns. The man is an archaeologist, the costume and the color of his costume gives this away.

The title’s font ‘Indiana Jones’ , suits the genre of the movie. This is because the movie is adventurous and not realistic  and the font seems to be quite cartoony, also ‘Indiana Jones’ name is the largest font used in the poster, showing that the audience should remember is name. The font used in “Kingdom Of Crystal Skull” is quite modern and is written in capital letters, this shows that there is a modern turn to the movie as well.

Mise en Scene:
·         Lighting
o   The lighting used in the poster is both high and low key; however the majority of the lighting is low key.  I think the lighting is made like this to represent the bad and evil, however, the lighting for the evil is in high key and where ‘Indiana Jones’ is standing fades into the low key lighting. I think this is done as it shows that ‘Indiana Jones’ is on a dangerous adventure and he may never see light again. I also think the lighting is done this way to warn that the movie is not a comedy, but a serious film.
·         Costume
o   The type of clothing ‘Indiana Jones’ is wearing is safari. The way he is wearing the clothing is rather loose-fitting. This shows that he is on a adventure and needs comfortable clothing. Also the clothes seem to be quite old and dirty, showing that the adventure will be long and the movie is ancient. His sleeves are also rolled up which shows he is ready for action.

·         Props
o   A prop used in the movie poster is the whip which ‘Indiana Jones’ is holding in his hand. This implies that he is on a dangerous adventure and will need self-protection, this tells the audience the idea that the movie will include some form of fighting.

·         Setting
o   The setting seems to be underground, and looks similar to a cave. The setting also appears to be ancient and old, the pattern gives this away.

·         Non-Verbal Communication (Body Language)
o   The body language of ‘Indiana Jones’ is aggressive. The clue which gives away he is aggressive is the way he is standing, tall and both of his fist are clenched tightly. These fists also give us a clue that he is ready to fight. His eyes are looking directly at the audience, showing that he is serious, however he had a slight smile on his face, which lessen the seriousness from his eyes.

Induction: Re-Creation of a Movie Magazine Front Cover

The image above is the magazine front cover I was given to re-create. It is a film magazine who has front covered Batman as their most important article.

The image was similar to the image above so I was asked to do a re-create the writing on top such as the Title "Total Film." For this task, I didn't struggle, as I have used Photoshop before and have it at home. However, there were some areas which I had asked for help. For example, one problem I had was how to make the word "Total" transparent. Also I struggled to find a similar font to the title. I found some parts simple to make, such as adding the text below "I Thrive On Chaos". For the yellow box I used the Rectangle Tool and then rotated it slightly using the Move Tool.