Main Task: Audience Research

To make my magazine suitable for my target audience, I have conducted research asking a few questions to find out what they would like on the magazine, and what I should include. 

For my magazine to be more suitable for my audience, I have conducted an audience research, so I can have an idea of what they would like on the magazine. I asked five questions and asked them also to pick what font they would like for my masthead.
The questions I asked were:
1) Do you like K-Pop? Why?
2) Pick a name out of the three for a K-Pop magazine
            a) K- Kraze UK
            b) K-Star UK
            c) Korean Music UK
3) What would they like to see in the magazine?
4) How much they are willing to pay
5) What colours do you think is suitable for a K-Pop magazine?
6) Are you more likely to buy the magazine if there were freebies such as posters? 

From my audience research, I have found out that my target audience are mainly teenagers, so my magazines should be suitable for teenagers, both male and female. The name of the magazine I have chosen to use it K-Star as my magazine name, as this name was the most popular.  it spelt with a K, which links to my genre of K-Pop. The audience would like to see album reviews, competitions, top songs of the month and exclusive interviews in the magazine.  As my target audience is teenagers, they are not willing to pay a lot of a magazine, as they are students, my magazine will be priced at £3. The colours I am going to choose are going to be happy and bright colourful colours, for example orange or blue or green, however, I may  also use some dark colours aswell. With the magazine, there will be a poster every time the magazine is issued, as this attracts more teenagers to buy the magazine.

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