Main Task: Front Cover Textual Analysis

The magazine front cover consists of a coloured photograph of a Korean music band known as “Super Junior.”  All members are not looking directly at the camera, it seems as though the picture was taken when they were performing. Most pictures are either medium close up or a mid-shot. The background colour of the photo is black, there are six different photos which cover the magazine, on top of the photos are then another three small photos in the bottom left corner. The name of the group is in yellow and there are cover-lines around the images. The main titles of the cover-lines are on a blue background, with white writing, to make it stand out more. All cover-lines are different font sizes to show which is more important. The price of the magazine is noticeable in the top right hand corner. The date is on the right, just below the masthead’s white background. A barcode is visible in the bottom right hand corner.

The Bromide magazine masthead is very plain but yet still catches the eye of the audience. There is a background colour of white, which contrast with the black background images, making the masthead stand out. The font used it a sans-serif font, which connotes modern music. The font also is quite fancy, to attract the reader attention. The colour of the font is black, which makes it readable to the audience. The letter “B” in Bromide is done differently to the rest of the letters, it has a black background which is similar to the image background and the writing is in blue, which stands out.

·        Composition
The cover photograph is a successful Korean band known as “Super Junior”, which consists of thirteen members, however only six members are shown on the front cover.  The six members are not posed in a certain way; it seems the images were taking in action, while they were performing, as one member is holding a microphone and singing, whilst some are in a dance position.

·         Costume
Their clothing are quite smart but yet casual. This is because all members except one, who wears a white t-shirt, are wearing blazers and a shirt, connoting that the memeber who does not wear the shirt and blazer is the main leader/singer. However, the way they are worn, makes it quite casual, for example the added accessorise, makes the costume less formal.

·         Non-Verbal Communication
Their non-verbal communication is serious. They are shown to be focused and doing what they are supposed to do. From their facial expression, they also look tired. Some of the members seem happy, but some seem quite sad, or are thinking about something.This connotes that the music they were singing too when the picture was taken has different meanings. This also connotes that K-Pop has many different meanings in a song.

·        Lighting
The lighting for the people is high key; this is because the background is a dark colour, so to enhance the images they have used high key lighting. It is also high key as during a performance, the room is usually dark, so high key is needed to show the performers faces.

·        Setting
The setting cannot be shown in the images, the images are of the members performing, meaning that the setting is at a performance. The microphone in the second last row image of the six gives away that they are performing.

The main cover-line relates to the image, for example the main cover-line is about Super Junior and a few other bands from Korea (2PM and B2ST) moving onto Japan promotions. Another cover line is about some other Korea bands (SISTAR) and an athletics competition. The range of different cover-lines shows that the magazine features a variety of things, from Korean Music to what they have been up to. The way the cover lines are written shows that it is recent updates of what is happening. All cover-lines are in a sans-serif font, which also shows it is current news and is modern.

Target Audience:
The target audience is both male and female who are likely to understand Korean. However, some may buy the magazine only to flip through pictures. The audience it is aimed at is likely from ages 14 to 25. This is because they are likely to have knowledge of the music and have interest in reading articles about music. Also they must be educated to be able to read the stories inside the magazine.

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