Main Task: Double Page Spread Textual Analysis

Colour Scheme:
The colour scheme for the double page spread it bright and colourful. The colours used are mainly red, orange, pink and yellow.  It creates a happy mood when viewing the magazine. The colour scheme connotes that the music will be upbeat music as bright colours represents joy.

There are five images used, two images are large, one image is medium sized and the other two are small. The two large images take up a whole page, with some space left in the middle.

Subjects Name:
The subjects name is on the left of the double page spread, it is in a large font and is bold “걸스데이” (Girls Day). This makes the name stand out more. The name "Girl's Day" connotes that the band consit of only girls and that their music will be girly.

The drop-capital is on the right side of the double page spread, it is clearly shown as the colour of the writing is different, and also the font size is much bigger.

The headline has been places on the left side of the magazine, where the subject’s name is written.

The by-line is written just below the headline, it is in a small font which makes it slightly hard to read

All members are wearing sporty clothes. They are bright and colourful. It seems as though they are ready to go out for a competition.

Non-Verbal Communication:
There nonverbal communication is very large and wide, showing that they are happy and excited. This connotes that the band has joyful personalities, meaning that their music will be fun to listen too.

The lighting is bright; this is so it can go with the background colours.

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