Main Task: Front Cover + Contents Page + Double Page Spread FINAL

Main Task: Unmanipulated Photos

I won't be using these photo's as they are out of focus. Also the first photo has other people in the background. 

These are the pictures I am likely to use 
I have taken a few portait photos which I am likely to use. I have decided I will be using the top left corner picture and the bottom right corner picture for my contents page.

The image in the bottom right corner is of a real k-pop star, however, the image itself was taken by me.

I have taken a few landscape photos which I may use for my double page spread.

Main Task: FC, CP, DPS Mock Ups

Main Task: Mood Board

I created a mood board to match my chosen genre for my magazine. This helped me have a rough idea on what colours to use when creating my final product.

Main Task: Case Study of a Publishing House

Condé Nast Digital is a large publishing company based in New York City; they produce up to 18 magazines, ranging from all types of categories such as fashion (Vogue), food (Bon Appétit) and many others. From creating many types of genres of magazines, this means that Condé Nast is able to capture a larger target audience, and make more profit, compared to other companies who may stick to one genre. Some popular magazines which Condé Nast produces are “Vogue”, “W Magazine” and “Glamour”. Condé Nast not only produces magazine, they own up to four other businesses.  The company has up to 27 websites and more than 50 mobile phone and tablet devices apps. 

Main Task: Profiling Your Audience

The K-Kraze Reader: Kim Su Mi, 18, loves K-Pop. She listens to it on her iPod wherever she goes, she lives in the UK and attends many k-pop club nights with her friends who are also fans. Her dream is to become part of a famous Korean band and show her love towards k-pop. She can cover many different songs released; she shows her skills at UK flash mobs, which many other k-pop fans gather together. She meets many new friends through k-pop, and enjoys it very much.  Her favourite bands are BIGBANG, SHINee and SNSD. Her favourite songs which are constantly on replay are Tell Me Goodbye, Ring Ding Dong and Let it Rain. She is mainly a Shawol as her ultimate biased is Kim Jonghyun.

Main Task: Audience Research

To make my magazine suitable for my target audience, I have conducted research asking a few questions to find out what they would like on the magazine, and what I should include. 

For my magazine to be more suitable for my audience, I have conducted an audience research, so I can have an idea of what they would like on the magazine. I asked five questions and asked them also to pick what font they would like for my masthead.
The questions I asked were:
1) Do you like K-Pop? Why?
2) Pick a name out of the three for a K-Pop magazine
            a) K- Kraze UK
            b) K-Star UK
            c) Korean Music UK
3) What would they like to see in the magazine?
4) How much they are willing to pay
5) What colours do you think is suitable for a K-Pop magazine?
6) Are you more likely to buy the magazine if there were freebies such as posters? 

From my audience research, I have found out that my target audience are mainly teenagers, so my magazines should be suitable for teenagers, both male and female. The name of the magazine I have chosen to use it K-Star as my magazine name, as this name was the most popular.  it spelt with a K, which links to my genre of K-Pop. The audience would like to see album reviews, competitions, top songs of the month and exclusive interviews in the magazine.  As my target audience is teenagers, they are not willing to pay a lot of a magazine, as they are students, my magazine will be priced at £3. The colours I am going to choose are going to be happy and bright colourful colours, for example orange or blue or green, however, I may  also use some dark colours aswell. With the magazine, there will be a poster every time the magazine is issued, as this attracts more teenagers to buy the magazine.

Main Task: Double Page Spread Conventions Diagram

Main Task: Double Page Spread Textual Analysis

Colour Scheme:
The colour scheme for the double page spread it bright and colourful. The colours used are mainly red, orange, pink and yellow.  It creates a happy mood when viewing the magazine. The colour scheme connotes that the music will be upbeat music as bright colours represents joy.

There are five images used, two images are large, one image is medium sized and the other two are small. The two large images take up a whole page, with some space left in the middle.

Subjects Name:
The subjects name is on the left of the double page spread, it is in a large font and is bold “걸스데이” (Girls Day). This makes the name stand out more. The name "Girl's Day" connotes that the band consit of only girls and that their music will be girly.

The drop-capital is on the right side of the double page spread, it is clearly shown as the colour of the writing is different, and also the font size is much bigger.

The headline has been places on the left side of the magazine, where the subject’s name is written.

The by-line is written just below the headline, it is in a small font which makes it slightly hard to read

All members are wearing sporty clothes. They are bright and colourful. It seems as though they are ready to go out for a competition.

Non-Verbal Communication:
There nonverbal communication is very large and wide, showing that they are happy and excited. This connotes that the band has joyful personalities, meaning that their music will be fun to listen too.

The lighting is bright; this is so it can go with the background colours.

Main Task: Contents Page Conventions Diagram

Main Task: Front Cover Conventions Diagram

Main Task: Front Cover Textual Analysis

The magazine front cover consists of a coloured photograph of a Korean music band known as “Super Junior.”  All members are not looking directly at the camera, it seems as though the picture was taken when they were performing. Most pictures are either medium close up or a mid-shot. The background colour of the photo is black, there are six different photos which cover the magazine, on top of the photos are then another three small photos in the bottom left corner. The name of the group is in yellow and there are cover-lines around the images. The main titles of the cover-lines are on a blue background, with white writing, to make it stand out more. All cover-lines are different font sizes to show which is more important. The price of the magazine is noticeable in the top right hand corner. The date is on the right, just below the masthead’s white background. A barcode is visible in the bottom right hand corner.

The Bromide magazine masthead is very plain but yet still catches the eye of the audience. There is a background colour of white, which contrast with the black background images, making the masthead stand out. The font used it a sans-serif font, which connotes modern music. The font also is quite fancy, to attract the reader attention. The colour of the font is black, which makes it readable to the audience. The letter “B” in Bromide is done differently to the rest of the letters, it has a black background which is similar to the image background and the writing is in blue, which stands out.

·        Composition
The cover photograph is a successful Korean band known as “Super Junior”, which consists of thirteen members, however only six members are shown on the front cover.  The six members are not posed in a certain way; it seems the images were taking in action, while they were performing, as one member is holding a microphone and singing, whilst some are in a dance position.

·         Costume
Their clothing are quite smart but yet casual. This is because all members except one, who wears a white t-shirt, are wearing blazers and a shirt, connoting that the memeber who does not wear the shirt and blazer is the main leader/singer. However, the way they are worn, makes it quite casual, for example the added accessorise, makes the costume less formal.

·         Non-Verbal Communication
Their non-verbal communication is serious. They are shown to be focused and doing what they are supposed to do. From their facial expression, they also look tired. Some of the members seem happy, but some seem quite sad, or are thinking about something.This connotes that the music they were singing too when the picture was taken has different meanings. This also connotes that K-Pop has many different meanings in a song.

·        Lighting
The lighting for the people is high key; this is because the background is a dark colour, so to enhance the images they have used high key lighting. It is also high key as during a performance, the room is usually dark, so high key is needed to show the performers faces.

·        Setting
The setting cannot be shown in the images, the images are of the members performing, meaning that the setting is at a performance. The microphone in the second last row image of the six gives away that they are performing.

The main cover-line relates to the image, for example the main cover-line is about Super Junior and a few other bands from Korea (2PM and B2ST) moving onto Japan promotions. Another cover line is about some other Korea bands (SISTAR) and an athletics competition. The range of different cover-lines shows that the magazine features a variety of things, from Korean Music to what they have been up to. The way the cover lines are written shows that it is recent updates of what is happening. All cover-lines are in a sans-serif font, which also shows it is current news and is modern.

Target Audience:
The target audience is both male and female who are likely to understand Korean. However, some may buy the magazine only to flip through pictures. The audience it is aimed at is likely from ages 14 to 25. This is because they are likely to have knowledge of the music and have interest in reading articles about music. Also they must be educated to be able to read the stories inside the magazine.

Main Task: Introduction

 My name is Alexandra Truong. I am a first year student studying at Christ the King Sixth Form College. I am currently studying are AS Maths, AS Media Studies, AS ICT and AS Psychology.

For my Media Studies coursework, I have been asked to create a music magazine, the front cover, content page and a double page spread which will be included in the magazine. The magazine will be focus on one genre of music; I have chosen Korean music as I personally enjoy listening to Korean music. This means that I will enjoy making the magazine and it would be helpful when I am producing the magazine because I will have knowledge of the target audience and style of magazine I will be creating.  To create the magazine, there are various things I will need to research and plan into. Firstly, to make sure I know what a magazine of my chosen genre looks like, I have looked at a few real magazines. This allows me to have an idea on what I should include on my own magazine. Other planning and research I need to do are, researching into my target audience and personally asking what they would like to see in a K-Pop magazine, as they are the most important when designing my magazine. Also this would give me a clear guideline on what cover line's and colour scheme I should put in consideration when designing the magazine.

Preliminary Task: Contents Page FINAL

Preliminary Task: Front Cover FINAL

This is my final front cover. I chose design one of my mock up's, however, where I have placed the coverlines I have moved them slighlty as when I was making the main cover, I decided it looked better all on one side.

Preliminary Task: College Front Cover Mock Ups

Above are my college front cover design's, I made four different designs. I already knew my colour scheme so I only annoted the first design. My colour scheme was Grey and Yellow. The designs were similar, however, the way I made my Masthead and where I placed it are all different. Also where I placed my barcode are different, Design 1 and 2 are in the left third and Design 3 and 4 are in the top right hand corner.

The first two of my contents page designs are portrait and the other two are on a double page spread.

Preliminary Task: Front Cover Texual Analysis

The magazine consist a photograph of a man looking directly into the camera, he is also holding some textbooks. The photograph takes up the whole of the magazine. The background colour of the photograph is black with a faded white light behind the man.  In front of the photograph of the man there are a variety of different cover-lines and behind the photograph there is the masthead of College.  On the bottom left hand corner there is a bar card visible and the price of the magazine.

Mise En Scene
·         Props
o   A prop in the image would be the books he is holding; he is holding a Law, Business and Society book and another book behind to show he is studying and that he does attend college.   Another prop would be the watch, showing that he needs to keep track of time. The chain is also prop is used to show that college still has a fun side to it, the chain is a cross, showing that anyone can attend college even if they are religious
·         Lighting
o   The lighting is both high and low key. Due to the background is seems more low key, however, the photograph of the man is quite bright. The lighting gradually get’s darker as it goes down the magazine.  However, the lighting on the books the man is holding is quite bright and stands out
·         Costume
o   The clothes he is wearing is quite modern and smart, however it is not extremely smart, it is slightly casual his costume. He is also wearing jeans, which lowers the smartness of the costume down.  The costume used shows that college is for a place for studying and fun
·         Non-Verbal Communication
o   His non-verbal communication is happy and he is smiling. His eyes look like he is ready to learn as they look quite serious, but not scary. The way he is standing is quite casual, as if he is just about to get into lesson
·         Setting
o   There is no setting in the image, as it is just a black and white background, however, the setting seems to be in a college, the props show this

The font used in the front cover is Sans Serif, which is modern. This font is used as it represents college as a modern thing. It also makes the magazine more appealing as it doesn’t look old and boring.

Magazine Conventions
·         Masthead (Logo)
o   The masthead is very outstanding and bright. The font used for the Masthead it Sans Serif. The word ‘college’ is in a large bright green font, and underneath to right written ‘lifestyle’ in white. The font for the word ‘college’ and ‘lifestyle’ are two different fonts, however they are both Sans Serif, which connote the modern of college

·         Dateline
o   The dateline is in the top right hand corner, in extremely small letters “summer 2009.” It is the only thing which is written in yellow, which makes it stand out even though the font is small. It is also in capital letters which enhances it more

·         Main images
o   The main image is the man in the middle, as it is an example of a college student. Also the “splat” on the right, it is important as it is in a bright pink and stands out largely as the rest of the colours in the magazine are green, white and black

·         Cover-Lines
o   There are eight different cover-lines. The main cover line is “Dancehalls Bright Future” making reference to the man’s future by attending college.  Another main headline is to the right of the magazine “The ultimate spring break escape” it is a main article as it is in a larger font than the over headlines apart from the main, and it is written in capital letter.
·         Left Third
o   The left third of the magazine has the price of the magazine and the barcode.
·         Barcode
o   The barcode is faced horizontally to the left of the magazine
·         Selling Line
o   The selling line is “Your exclusive guide to everything Hip, Hop & Happening. It uses repetition of the H, which makes the magazine seem more interesting, also it will interest teenagers, the target audience of the magazine, as it uses the word “Hip” and “Hop”

Induction: Movie poster Textual Analysis

Denotation: An image of a man on an adventure.
Connotation: The image gives away a clue that the movie will be about ‘Indiana Jones’ will go on something dangerous, which will cause trouble and possibly life and death risk. The prop he is holding gives this away, for example the whip also the face in the background. The movie is going to be old and ancient and mystery, the clue which shows this is the old patterns. The man is an archaeologist, the costume and the color of his costume gives this away.

The title’s font ‘Indiana Jones’ , suits the genre of the movie. This is because the movie is adventurous and not realistic  and the font seems to be quite cartoony, also ‘Indiana Jones’ name is the largest font used in the poster, showing that the audience should remember is name. The font used in “Kingdom Of Crystal Skull” is quite modern and is written in capital letters, this shows that there is a modern turn to the movie as well.

Mise en Scene:
·         Lighting
o   The lighting used in the poster is both high and low key; however the majority of the lighting is low key.  I think the lighting is made like this to represent the bad and evil, however, the lighting for the evil is in high key and where ‘Indiana Jones’ is standing fades into the low key lighting. I think this is done as it shows that ‘Indiana Jones’ is on a dangerous adventure and he may never see light again. I also think the lighting is done this way to warn that the movie is not a comedy, but a serious film.
·         Costume
o   The type of clothing ‘Indiana Jones’ is wearing is safari. The way he is wearing the clothing is rather loose-fitting. This shows that he is on a adventure and needs comfortable clothing. Also the clothes seem to be quite old and dirty, showing that the adventure will be long and the movie is ancient. His sleeves are also rolled up which shows he is ready for action.

·         Props
o   A prop used in the movie poster is the whip which ‘Indiana Jones’ is holding in his hand. This implies that he is on a dangerous adventure and will need self-protection, this tells the audience the idea that the movie will include some form of fighting.

·         Setting
o   The setting seems to be underground, and looks similar to a cave. The setting also appears to be ancient and old, the pattern gives this away.

·         Non-Verbal Communication (Body Language)
o   The body language of ‘Indiana Jones’ is aggressive. The clue which gives away he is aggressive is the way he is standing, tall and both of his fist are clenched tightly. These fists also give us a clue that he is ready to fight. His eyes are looking directly at the audience, showing that he is serious, however he had a slight smile on his face, which lessen the seriousness from his eyes.

Induction: Re-Creation of a Movie Magazine Front Cover

The image above is the magazine front cover I was given to re-create. It is a film magazine who has front covered Batman as their most important article.

The image was similar to the image above so I was asked to do a re-create the writing on top such as the Title "Total Film." For this task, I didn't struggle, as I have used Photoshop before and have it at home. However, there were some areas which I had asked for help. For example, one problem I had was how to make the word "Total" transparent. Also I struggled to find a similar font to the title. I found some parts simple to make, such as adding the text below "I Thrive On Chaos". For the yellow box I used the Rectangle Tool and then rotated it slightly using the Move Tool.