Main Task: Evaluation Question 1

As soon as I was given the assignment, I knew immediately what genre I already had a rough idea on what genre I wanted my magazine to be, so I started to have a look at existing k-pop magazines to give me an idea on what my magazine will look like.  There are many things my magazine challenges and follow real magazine conventions.
One main convention which all magazines used is a masthead. As my target audience is the most important, I downloaded many fonts to use for my magazine, mainly Korean style fonts to suit my genre. I then asked a few of them what font they liked the most; I then used the chosen font to create a masthead. By doing this, it will attract my target audience and allow my magazine to stand out compared to other magazines in the shop. I also changed the dash into a star, I did this by typing in Alt+9734 (), this creates a more unique style masthead. Another convention which I follow was the white box behind the masthead, which cuts of some of my image. I did this not only because it followed a convention, but it made my magazine look less spacious, this is because there was a huge gap at the top of the image I used for my front cover.
Another convention which I followed that all magazines have is a selling line. I used a selling line to engage my target audience into buying my magazine. My selling line is “The one and only K-Pop magazine in the whole of UK!” Another convention I followed that is vital in all music magazines is the large masthead.  
Cover line’s is also a magazine convention which is used in all magazines; this is to give the target audience an idea of what is featured in the magazine. As my chosen genre is quite different, I will need to attract them more into looking at my magazine, so I have used a wide range of font sizes for my cover lines, this makes the magazine more eye catching as the different font sizes prevents the magazine from looking dull. For my main cover line, I have placed in diagonally, with the largest font size. For the mini-cover lines, I challenged the conventions by adding a mini-heading for each of the cover lines.
All magazines have some vital conventions which must be needed; this is the masthead, dateline and barcode. The dateline is usually beneath the masthead or on the side or top of the barcode. My dateline is placed just above the barcode. 
My contents page also follows various conventions. One convention which I followed is arranging the text vertically. This makes it easier to read and professional. Another convention which I followed is pictures, pictures allow the magazine to look more visual and not packed with too much information, also it is used so that the audience can know what other stories are featured in the magazine. To attract my audience, I used different styles of images.
Similar to my double page spread, I followed and changed conventions. One convention which I did differently is adding the heading at the top left corner of the page; these headings are also on my contents page.

A convention which I followed is adding a drop capital; the drop capital allows the reader to know where to start reading.  

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