Main Task: Evaluation Question 6

Throughout the process of making my product, I have learnt many things about technology when creating my magazine. In the process of creating my magazine, I used the Canon EOS 400D to take my images in, however, as I have never used the camera before, I seemed to struggle as I found it difficult on focusing, due to this, the pictures I took were blurry, therefore, I had to retake the photos, so I switched to an original digital camera, which explains why my pictures may not be of the highest quality. 
 Another technology I used and have learnt many skills from is Adobe Photoshop CS5. I had already had some experience of using Photoshop Elements as I have the program at home and use it to edit photos. I found using Photoshop CS5 much more useful in manipulating my photos as there were more features compared to Photoshop Elements. 

 I used a variety of tools on Photoshop when creating my magazine products. One tool I used to manipulate my front cover image is the colour balance tool. This is because the photo I had taken was not colourful enough to suit my genre of K-Pop, so using this tool I changed the background squares from brown to red. 

From some of my drafts, I had realized that my cover lines were not bold enough and did not stand out. This is when I discovered the drop shadow in the blending options. Even though adding a drop shadow is a small detail, it had made a big difference.
A tool which I found extremely useful when making sure my contents page text were even was the grid tool. At first I did not know this tool was there, so when lining up the page numbers for my contents page, they were not necessarily straight. However, after using this tool, it has allowed me to make my page number more even.

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