Main Task: Evaluation Question 3

From my publishing house case study, I have created during the planning and research stage, I think that Condé Nast would likely publish and produce my magazine.
Reasons for my choice is that Condé Nast has not yet published any music magazines, therefore by publishing my music magazine, it will attract a newer and wider audience, which will increase the popularity of Condé Nast publications. This leaves long term benefits, for example, an increase in profit as customers will have a more choice when choosing a magazine they wish to buy. Also, I have chosen Condé Nast as my genre is different, and as my genre is of a foreign country style of music, it has not been made into a magazine before in the UK.  This is beneficial as there is a large population of k-pop fans in the UK, this means that my magazine will become popular as it is unique and is the one and only k-pop magazine in the whole of UK.

Even though Condé Nast publications mainly focus on fashion, a large part of k-pop is also about fashion and appearance of the artists. Condé Nast publications audience is usually an older target audience compared to my target audience, however, this means that the company will have a variety of different age groups reading their magazines, which will eventually allow the company to become more well known as more people will be buying their magazines.

I am likely to distribute my magazine in stores such as WHSmith or HMV. The reason for choosing WHSmith is that there are many customers who go there to pick up something to read; also as my audience are teenagers who are likely to pop into WHSmith to buy books and stationary meaning that they may go to the magazine section. I also have a few main areas where I would like to distribute my magazine; this is Soho, China Town and New Malden. This is because through research and as a K-Pop fan I, the majority of K-Pop events are located in Soho. Also New Malden is known as “Korea Town”.

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