Main Task: Post Production Feedback

I spoke to a few people to gain some feedback on what they liked and didn't like about my magazine. This allowed me to see if I was able to fully attract my target audience and to find out if I was to do this task again , what changes I should make.

Front Cover Feedback

"I like the layout and compliment of colours"

"Maybe make it more colourful on the front page? So it is more attractive and so it suits the kpoppy theme"

Contents Page Feedback
"Everything is looking good, I really like the way how you layout the picture and text. "

"Right~ this could actually just be me, but I find this contents page a little bunched together, I don't know if it is because of the big pictures or the amount of writing, it just seems a little compact.

Double Page Spread Feedback:

“I like the layout and design”

 “I think a more exciting font for the quote maybe?”

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